The First Painting

Time flies. I checked the calendar and saw I posted almost a month ago. No doubt I was very busy. However, things are getting into orders and I, finally, finished first painting.

It seems that I can’t get enough time for sketching and planing. So I just go ahead and pick up my oil brushes. The good thing is because I am thinking about drawings and paintings all the time, and I am observing Ethan all the time, so I “sketch” in my mind all the time, which might help.

Now looking back to when I started the Artist Residency in Motherhood, reread the qestionnarie I did, I feel things are getting better. 🙂

Here attached my manifesto for myself as an artist @ARIM.

In the past, many artists told me that I should not have children if you want to be an artist. I understand why, and partly I agree with them. However at the same time, I disagree. Because becoming a mom is also one of my dreams. I do not think my dream of being an artist is against the dream of being a mom. I want to be both, and I want to be good at both.

Now, with my son in my arms, there are moments, I feel so calm and confident, like the time stopped, like the whole world did not exist. I feel so powerful and so insignificant at the same time. I hope time flies and time freezes at the same time. I am so exhausted but so excited at the same time. I am grateful to life and awed by life at the same time. For all those feelings, I believe they can help me become a better artist, a better painter that I wish to be.

Therefore, I will undergo this self-imposed artist residency in order to fully experience and explore the fragmented focus, nap-length studio time, limited movement and resources and general upheaval that parenthood brings and allow it to shape the direction of my work, rather than working against it.



More paintings are coming. :))

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